
Real, Specificty, Delightfulness

建筑 Architectural Design

室内 Interior Design

景观 Landscape Design


城市 Urban

乡村 Rural

户外 Wild

酒店/民宿  Hotel



Founded by Jiawei Ma and Jiang DongStudio Ininches is an internationalcross-disciplinary, design oriented team with shared values in giving creative and holistic
solutions. Based out of our office in the central of Suzhou, focusing on sites with urban or rural context between the old and new, we prioritize and achieve projects
with the greatest positive spatial
commercial and social impact.

The studio is dedicated to hotel designs, cultural/tourism projects and urban/rural renovations. As partners, we are experienced in works of architecture, interior, landscape, spatial installation and production design, and have developed sophisticated and thorough approach to work and deliver for our clients.